Princess ship

Friday, May 14, 2010

Get the Successful Life You Want While Eating Popcorn

Pop-culture sometimes gets a bad rap, especially when you're talking about movies. Sure, some movies are better left unseen (Battlefield Earth, Legion, anything with a character whose name rhymes with manna hontana, etc,) but many are the dreamy reflection of what we want to be, see and feel; the ultimate escape to an idyllic happy ending where the poor get rich, the wicked are punished and the geeky kid finds love in the arms of a goddess. On my blog, I decided to celebrate another gift from the movies; and that's the sometimes inspirational gems the characters are kind enough to drop on us before, you know... maybe blowing something up. Like "Yippee Ky yay m-," OK... maybe not that one, but you get the idea."You can like the life you're livin' or you can live the life you like," is a great quote from Chicago and I think that's more what we're looking for.

My thinking is that the majority of these internet marketing, online success and home business building blogs are super helpful and I pray that mine proves to be so as well; but also, a lot of them tend to be all business, which I know is the idea, but I find movies can be a lot of fun in addition to... ahem... keeping us focused on our dreams. Case in point, "Pretty Woman." What man among us didn't fantasize about commanding the kind of wealth and respect of Gere's Edward character - not the picking up hookers or destroying companies and selling off the pieces Edward, but the ship building, George Costanza punching, princess saving guy he grows to be in the end. And what woman didn't want to have the romantic love affair and storybook life of Robert's Vivian character - of course not the street walking, safety-pinned pantyhose character, but rather the beautiful, strong woman that emerges throughout the film! The woman that showed a perfectly acceptable, nay praiseworthy, vindictiveness towards snobby shopkeepers and who in the end would settle for nothing less than everything she wanted.

It's funny, so often the characters in movies start off way down in the dumps and we watch them overcome incredible trials to reach their goal. By the time the credits roll, they almost invariably exit the stage a new person. They have grown and they have persevered; they have found love, wealth or in many cases they just managed to survive.

I know what you're thinking. "Jesse... this is fiction. This has NOTHING to do with real life! Good day sir!"

Yes... its fiction but...


Geez.. calm down. Yes... this is fiction but even if you're name is Sarah Conner AND you own a motor scooter AND you're a waitress, the chances are only slightly better than winning the lotto that you will be fighting for survival against a nearly indestructible cyborg from the future with an Austrian accent. I'm just saying. We don't normally have literal life and death struggles. However, I can assure you that WE DO STRUGGLE our entire lives to reach our goals and see are dreams realized. We all want the Hollywood ending, but we want some of it everyday of our lives. And just like in the movies, some of us get the eye of the tiger and win fights it would appear we have no business winning and others sit in their neutral corner drinking Gatorade and saying they'll jump in in the next round. Are you Rocky today or are you "knocked out boxer #3? in the montage? You decide.

So, all that being said I leave you with this humble request...

"Be excellent to each other and...PARTY ON DUDES!!!" - Bill S Preston, Esquire and Ted "Theodore" Logan.

And I have to gives props to Keanu for Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure because it's my opinion that this movie, more than any other, allowed us to truly see the almost inestimable depths of his acting ability. Thank you Keanu for all that you do!

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